

GLOSS 2nd Public Lecture
January 21, 2022: The 2nd Public Lecture of GLOSS was delivered by Prof. Ikuo Towhata (Specially Appointed Professor, Kanto Gakuin University)

GLOSS 3rd Public Lecture
March 11, 2022: The 3rd Public Lecture of GLOSS was delivered by Prof. Yoshiaki Kikuchi (Tokyo University of Science) and Prof. Hemanta Hazarika (Kyushu University).

Establishment Ceremony and Commemorative Lectures
December 4, 2021: The establishment ceremony of GLOSS was held and the commemorative lectures were delivered by Prof. Motoyuki Suzuki (Yamaguchi University) and Prof. Seishi Okuzono (Research Advisor, NEXCO Research Institute/ Senior Fellow, Express Highway Research Foundation of Japan).

1st International Exchange Activity of GLOSS
September 25, 2021: Mr. Nikhilesh Giri, Consul General (CG) of India in Osaka, visited Kyushu University, Ito Campus. The CG was informed about the GLOSS research group, its members and objectives by the President and the Directors of GLOSS.